
6 Powerful benefits of using Automobile Dealer CRM


A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is not just important but also essential for any business that wants to thrive in today’s competitive space. Automobile Dealer CRM is no different.

With the number of choices between cars and dealerships in the automotive industry that customers have today, it’s important for dealers to differentiate themselves on the basis of customer experience. CRM’s offer many benefits to automobile dealers that help to improve this experience for their customers and, in the process, improve the top line and bottom line of their businesses.

Here are 6 benefits of Automobile Dealer CRM to automobile dealers:

1. Complete Customer Lifecycle Management

There are many stages of a customer’s life cycle for automobile dealers. They include collecting and qualifying leads, convincing customers to take test drives, facilitating finance schemes, following up for after-sales service, and so on. Every stage of this lifecycle has to be tracked to ensure that it gets done within the specified SLA.

CRM systems enable automobile dealers to do the same. When people fill data about work done in the specific activity, leaders and management can track SLAs and take necessary action to improve their business efficiency and effectiveness.

2. Improvement in Call Quality

To increase sales and provide better customer support, most car dealerships have telecalling agents today regardless of the size of their business. These telecallers should be monitored to ensure that they deliver what is expected from them.

In-built agent monitoring features in CRM for automobile dealers empower leaders to do this and improve the quality of their telecalling team. Leaders can track average handling time (AHT) per call, logged-in time and occupied time, sent and received calls, and more. They can also listen to live and recorded calls while agents make and receive calls.

3. Analyzing Customer Data

Peter Drucker believed that anything that gets measured gets managed. When a business can capture customer data and store it in a central repository, it can draw insights to understand what they can do to increase sales.

CRM systems don’t just give car dealerships the option to enter data; they also offer intelligent dashboards to help analyze it. Leaders can figure out better offers for specific segments like age, gender, income levels, preference, and so on. They can use these insights to devise better marketing campaigns for each segment, upsell and cross-sell, and get a better return on investment for their efforts

4. Collecting Customer Feedback

A dissatisfied customer doesn’t just leave a business. He also tells ten other people about his poor experience. This negatively affects the reputation of a business to a large extent. That’s why, along with customer data, customer feedback is an important piece of information for businesses to capture.

Acting on this feedback is essential if businesses want to stand apart in today’s competitive world. Businesses should use customer feedback to understand what customers really want and improve processes. Collecting and analyzing this becomes easier when a business has a CRM system.

5. Collecting Customer Referrals

Referrals, or word-of-mouth, are the most powerful medium for any business. And a delighted customer will always provide car dealerships with a referral. But most customers don’t provide referrals. The reason? Dealerships never ask.

By using an Auto Dealership CRM solution, businesses can make it a standard procedure to collect a referral from every satisfied customer and engage these referrals to increase sales.

6. Automating Manual Tasks

Technology has made it easier for businesses and brands to automate many of their tasks so that they can focus on key tasks like maintaining customer relations and increasing their output.

CRM systems enable our customers to automatically send reminders to their customers for insurance renewal, vehicle servicing, new offers, and so on. The staff can also get notified to follow up with customers on these reminders, and leaders can track whether their employees have done the needful. This means less dependence on human memory and accuracy to complete mundane yet important tasks that contribute to a car dealership’s revenue.

Summing Up

Technology has become an important factor if a business wants to maintain an edge over its competition in today’s times. But technology doesn’t have to be difficult to use for your employees. CRM solutions are easy to use and maintain tools that enable people to do their jobs better, and for leaders to track whether people are doing what’s expected.

The result of using an Automobile Dealer CRM effectively is visible on your turnover and profit. We hope you’re using a CRM solution to maintain your business’ efficiency and improve customer experience. If not, get in touch with us for a free demo by hitting the button below on how our CRM can improve your business performance.

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